
The She-Hobo; or It’s Dead Jack’s Point of View! (a recap by Will Kaiser) Title: Castoffs Airdate: September 12 September 12, 1977 Written by Tony Kayden Directed by Michael Landon SUMMARY IN A NUTSHELL: Nels gets drunk, and a plot to drive away a British kook is foiled by The Magic of Walnut Grove! Oh,Continue reading “Castoffs”

Doctor’s Lady

Don’t Cry Out Loud, Mr. Hanson In Which Doc Baker is Propositioned by a Hot Young Woman and the Vestiges of His Heterosexuality are Destroyed Forever (a recap by Will Kaiser) Title: Doctor’s Lady Airdate: January 22, 1975 Written by Arthur Heinemann Story by Arthur Heinemann and Ann Beckett Directed by Lewis Allen SUMMARY INContinue reading “Doctor’s Lady”