EXTRA: The 1976 Walnut Groovy Awards

Well, who’da believed it, another season come and gone in the blink of an eye. (Actually, I thought we’d be much further along by now, but oh well.) As you may know, between seasons, we like to revisit the Walnut Groovy Awards . . . to my knowledge the only awards franchise in history thatContinue reading “EXTRA: The 1976 Walnut Groovy Awards”

In the Big Inning

The Bad News Millers/Merchants/Mulligans/Heavenly Hosts – In Which the Studly Bearded Stranger’s True Identity is Finally Revealed! (a recap by Will Kaiser) Title: In the Big Inning Airdate: October 1, 1975 Written by B.W. Sandefur Directed by William F. Claxton SUMMARY IN A NUTSHELL: A baseball game. RECAP: This strange episode was likely a tie-in toContinue reading “In the Big Inning”