EXTRA: The 1976 Walnut Groovy Awards

Well, who’da believed it, another season come and gone in the blink of an eye. (Actually, I thought we’d be much further along by now, but oh well.) As you may know, between seasons, we like to revisit the Walnut Groovy Awards . . . to my knowledge the only awards franchise in history thatContinue reading “EXTRA: The 1976 Walnut Groovy Awards”


An Ingall in Time; or Who Wrote This One, Jimmy Carter? (a recap by Will Kaiser) Title: Centennial Airdate: March 17, 1976 Written by John Hawkins Directed by William F. Claxton SUMMARY IN A NUTSHELL:  An immigrant tries to help people understand what America is really all about. And because it is a fictional story,Continue reading “Centennial”

The Richest Man in Walnut Grove

The Return of Lemon Verbena (a recap by Will Kaiser) Title: The Richest Man in Walnut Grove Airdate: September 10, 1975 Written and directed by Michael Landon SUMMARY IN A NUTSHELL: After getting laid off, Charles panics because he can’t pay his bill at the Mercantile, even though Nels says it’s no big deal. That’s theContinue reading “The Richest Man in Walnut Grove”

School Mom

I Wish I Was Dumb Abel! (a recap by Will Kaiser) Title: School Mom Airdate: November 13, 1974 Written by Ward Hawkins Story by Jean Rouverol Directed by William F. Claxton SUMMARY: Miss Beadle breaks every bone in her body, so Ma subs for her at the school. Possibly better known as “Dumb Abel.” RECAP:Continue reading “School Mom”