EXTRA: The 1977 Walnut Groovy Awards

Whew! We’ve finally said goodbye to Season Three. Regular readers know we have a fun between-season tradition; but first, a little explanation might be necessary, since we have picked up some new readers since last year. It began like this. Some years ago, I attended an auction to disperse the effects of the Thunderbird –Continue reading “EXTRA: The 1977 Walnut Groovy Awards”

The Bully Boys

Nice to Beat You; or What is This, Straw Dogs? (a recap by Will Kaiser) Title: The Bully Boys Airdate: December 6, 1976 Written by B.W. Sandefur Directed by Victor French SUMMARY IN A NUTSHELL: When a new family comes to town, Mary and Pa are brutalized, and Ma is molested in the street. ButContinue reading “The Bully Boys”

The Monster of Walnut Grove

All Work and No Play Makes Nels a Dull Boy; or Sworded Scheme (a recap by Will Kaiser) Title: The Monster of Walnut Grove Airdate: November 1, 1976 Written by John Hawkins Directed by William F. Claxton SUMMARY IN A NUTSHELL: A Halloween special! Nels loses his marbles and Mrs. Oleson loses her head inContinue reading “The Monster of Walnut Grove”

EXTRA: The 1976 Walnut Groovy Awards

Well, who’da believed it, another season come and gone in the blink of an eye. (Actually, I thought we’d be much further along by now, but oh well.) As you may know, between seasons, we like to revisit the Walnut Groovy Awards . . . to my knowledge the only awards franchise in history thatContinue reading “EXTRA: The 1976 Walnut Groovy Awards”

The Gift

The Grifters; or The Wheels of Evil (a recap by Will Kaiser) Title: The Gift Airdate: December 17, 1975 Written by Rocci Chatfield Directed by William F. Claxton SUMMARY IN A NUTSHELL: Laura gets entangled in history’s first pyramid scheme, steamrolls Mary, and pretends Caroline is dead. RECAP:  DAGNY: You know, I realized today WalnutContinue reading “The Gift”

EXTRA: The 1975 Walnut Groovy Awards

Since there isn’t another Little House blog currently being written that’s quite as self-indulgent as this one, probably, I thought I’d bestow some awards upon our Season One personnel. The individual awards are based solely on my opinion; but the story rankings at the bottom are an aggregate of the whole family’s views.  I knowContinue reading “EXTRA: The 1975 Walnut Groovy Awards”